This applet is a powerful wavelet
analyze toolkit. It can do dyadic wavelet transform, wavelet packet
transform. And you can use it to design wavelet youself. You can also download
a local version of this applet, which can run in windows 3.x or windows
If you can't see a RUN button and
a STOP button below, you browser do not support JAVA applet, or you closed
the support to JAVA applet in security setting of your browser. Use a browser
that support JAVA applet, such as IE3.0, or open the security switch.
Press RUN below to start this applet and to see how strong it is.
For the security of browser, a JAVA
applet can't access local resources of you computer, So it can't read or
write files in your computer. This is very inconvenient for designer and
user in some occasion. To add a JAVA applete the ability of access local
resources, we design a little program,
to work with this applet. Download Localman and
run it in your computer, then the applet can access the local resources
via Localman. Otherwise the applet can only used as a demo.
I had tested
that IE3.0 support Localman, but Netscape 4.0 do not support it. To check
whether your browser support Localman is very simple: Run Localman
first, then open SAT switch in the applet. If it show success, you browser
support Localman, otherwise your browser do't support it.
Help Message
a)Open a data file of WAV, TXT,
or DAT. (This function need support of Local man.)
b)Save signal to a WAV, TXT or DAT
file. (This function need support of Local man.)
c)Curve cursor: This function is
used to show the value of a special point in the curve. Move mouse to the
point you want to know.
d)Peak List: This function is used
to list the peaks in curve. Move mouse to the point you want to know, then
click mouse to select it. You can select many points at one time, then
press "show" button to see the values of them.
e) To Clipboard(BMP): This function
copy the analyze result to clipboard.
f) To BMP File: This function save
the analyze result to a Bitmap file.(This function
need support of Local man.)
g) To Word: This function insert
the analyze result to Word. Before use this function, You should run Word
first, and open a new file, then go back to this applet. (This
function need support of Local man.)
h) To Printer: This function copy
the analyze result to a printer.(This function need
support of Local man.)
i) To Editbox: This function copy
the analyze result to editbox in applet, Press "show" button to see.
j) To TXT File: This function save
the analyze result to a TXT file.
(This function
need support of Local man.)
k) To Excel: This function insert
the analyze result to Excel. Before use this function, You should run Excel
first, and open a new sheet, then go back to this applet. (This
function need support of Local man.)
l) Help: Show help message. (This
m) Demo: Show the main functions
of the applet. This will take about two minutes.
n) Home: Show the WWW address of
2 Level
The level scroll is used to move
the signal in display window.
3 Vertical
The vertical scroll is used to zoom
in tht signal wave.
4.SAT Switch
This button
is used to open or close the local resources accessing switch. If you chose
open, a echo client function is active, it transmit the related requests
of applet to Localman(echo server) to access local resources.
Caution: Localman
must run first, otherwise the applet should be blocked.
This button
is used to open editbox to see data transfer to it.
4. Menus
(1) Signal
a) Read File (This
function need support of Local man.)
This function read signal from a
WAV, TXT or DAT data file format. The DAT data file format is defined as:
/*File Mark
4 char */
/*Channel number 1 int
/*data length
1 long int */
/*sample interval
1 float */
/*CH 1 scale factor 1 float
/* CH N scale factor 1 float
/*data 1 of CH 1
1 int */
/*data 1 of CH N
1 int */
/*data 2 of CH 1
1 int */
/*data 2 of CH N
1 int */
/*data M of CH 1
1 int */
/*data M of CH N 1 int
b)Save (This
function need support of Local man.)
This function save signal to a WAV,
TXT or DAT file.
c) Signal Generate
This function is used to produce
a stimulate signal source of white noise,sine, and so on.
d) A/D(Sound Card) (This
function need support of Local man.)
This function is used to record
a signal from a sound card.
This function close applet window
and return to browser.
(2)Waveform: Show waveform of signal.
. .
a)Symetric Wavelet
This function is used to set the
wavelet filter to a symetric wavelet filter.
b)Anti-symetric Wavelet
This function is used to set the
wavelet filter to a anti-symetric wavelet filter.
c)Orthogonal Wavelet
This function is used to set the
wavelet filter to a orthogonal wavelet filter that has a length of 8.
d)Orthogonal Wavelet
This function is used to set the
wavelet filter to a Orthogonal Wavelet filter that has a length of 16.
e)Filter Design
. (a) Symetric Wavelet
This function is used to design the Symetric Wavelet Filter by desired
amplitude character.
. (b) Anti-Symetric
Wavelet Filter
This function is used to design the Anti-Symetric Wavelet Filter by desired
amplitude character.
(4)Discrete Dyadic Wavelet Transform
a) Forward(Line)
This function do wavelet transform
by selected wavelet filter, and result is show in line manner.
b) Forward(Color)
This function do wavelet transform
by selected wavelet filter, and result is show in color manner.
c) Wavelet Coefficients
These functions is used to show
wavelet coefficients after transform.
This function
do wavelet packet transform by selected wavelet filter, and result is show
in packet manner.