
Using Virtual Instrument Controls in VI Array

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This article explains how to add virtual instrument controls to your MFC application from a VI Array. All virtual instrument controls  are included in the VI Array and only one DLL is needed.
Using VI Array
Steps for adding virtual instrument controls to your application:

That's all. Virtual instrument controls are in your application. Just execute the program to view it.

API Functions
Following are the API functions in the VI Array. Which can be used to add a control, to set/get the value of a virtual instument control.

extern "C" long PASCAL EXPORT addGlassBoard(long hl);
Function: New a transparent VI Array to your program.
hl: HWND of the window that add the VI Array and add VI Controls.
extern "C" long PASCAL EXPORT delGWVI();
Function: Delete the VI Array.
extern "C" long PASCAL EXPORT addIC2Container(char *ICName,long id,char *p1,char *p2,char *p3,char *p4,char *p5,char *p6,char *p7,char *p8);
Function: Add a VI control to the window
ICName: Control name. For example, a Button VI's name is "Button"
id: ID or resource number of the VI. To avoid conflicting with MFC ID, it should be >6000.
*p1,*p2,*p3,*p4,*p5,*p6,*p7,*p8: Initializtion Parameters of the control.
View virtual instrument controls instruction for detail.
extern "C" void PASCAL EXPORT delVI(long id);
Function: Delete a VI control from the window.
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
extern "C" double PASCAL EXPORT getICValue(int id,int m);
Function: Get the value of the VI
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
Return: double
extern "C" void PASCAL EXPORT setICValue(int id,int m,double v);
Function: Set the value of the VI
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
v: Value to set
extern "C" char* PASCAL EXPORT getICString(int id,int m);
Function: Get the value of the VI
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
Return: String
extern "C" void PASCAL EXPORT setICString(int id,int m,char *v);
Function: Set the contect of the VI
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
v: String to set
extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT getICArraySize(int id,int m);
Function: Get the length of the array of the VI
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
Return: int
extern "C" double PASCAL EXPORT getICArrayX0(int id,int m);
Function: Get the start position of the array of the VI
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
Return: double
extern "C" double PASCAL EXPORT getICArrayDT(int id,int m);
Function: Get the data interval of the array of the VI
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
Return: double
extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT getICArray(int id,int m,int len,double *data);
Function: Get the array of the VI
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
len: Data length to read
Return: Array
extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT setICArray(int id,int m,int len,double *data,double dt,double x0);
Function: Set an array to the VI.
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
len: Data length to read
*data: Array to set
dt: data interval of the array
x0£ºthe start position of the array
extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT setICMatrix(int id,int m,int x,int y,double **data,double dt);
Function: Set a matrix to the VI.
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
x,y: Col and Row of the matrix
data: Matrix
dt: data interval of the matrix, for graph set 1.
extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT getICMatrix(int id,int m,int x,int y,double **data);
Function: Get a matrix to the VI.
id: ID or resource number of the VI.
m: Pipe Number of the VI
x,y: Col and Row of the matrix
data: Matrix
